"Nautical nuns and Thoughts you thought you'd never tell...."

Welcome to the first issue of 6.58.... and welcome to me. I'm not sure precisely how to introduce the first issue on the first page. As a start, if it's not already obvious to you, I'm a big fan of Tori Amos and her music. Her inspiration permeates my page here already. And perhaps, it is because I have come to understand so much of myself through her work.

This issue is revealing of those to come, in that its format is similar. Poetry, rants, musings, short stories, all of these will be found within. Some happy, many sad; some amusing, some horrifying. But all of them honest and genuine.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the carousel that is my life, my world, my existence. If you have any comments or feedback, leave 'em in the guestbook.

Love and Light,
