ooh This could be messy but I don't seem to mind"

Welcome to issue 2, which provides a testament that will demonstrate my need for little white coats and other assorted delights. Delicous little pills and wonderous creams; truffles made of pretty fancy words and sedatives made of dreams.

This issue is different from the intro; like the pillow and mattress on your bed, this issue is "all new material". Well.... 98% of it anyway. But all previously unpublished as all my rambings are. From preschooler TV shows corrupted by my perverted mind, to the idiocy and inconsistency of university, to trashy ex-girlfriends and tragic ends, here lie the pieces of a girl who seeks to remove her precious self from underneath the rug. Here I shatter illusions big and small. And, most importantly, my sardonic self is emerging for a romp about the 'net.

So sit back, grab some popcorn, ensure you have a friend nearby should you find me funny and need the heimlich. ~Although I must wonder: if you find me that funny perhaps we're a bliss of another kind, so to speak~

Love and Light,
*who according to Chris, has nice nipples. According to both Chris' actually. Delilah agrees too, although the person who holds them in highest esteem is Jen, heh.*

Hit Titney one more time and begin